Today's Video Link

I don't follow baseball and haven't in years. When a friend suggests we go take in a Dodgers game, I've been known to say, "I'd love to go next time Sandy Koufax is pitching." That was about when my interest ended and I really only had it in the first place because my father did. Now that Vin Scully is completely out of the picture, even my microscopic interest in the sport is gone.

But! I do kind of like exciting moments in baseball. No game has enough of them to get me to watch an entire game but I sometimes like to watch highlights, especially from back when Mr. Scully was making them feel like even higher highlights.

So let's go back to October 25, 1986 and Game 6 of the World Series. It's the bottom of the tenth inning, the Mets are one run down but they have the tying run on third and the winning run on first — and Mookie Wilson coming to the plate. You may have seen this before but if so, I'm sure you want to see it again…