You Won't Believe This…

…but I'm going to defend Donald Trump about something…

Donald Trump and his entourage reportedly failed to eat a single item of a special vegetarian feast prepared for him during his trip to India. The American president and his wife, Melania, were presented with the menu during their visit to Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, one of the former homes of the Indian independence hero.

In an effort to please the famously carnivorous tastes of the president, the chef — a well-known award-winning chef called Suresh Khanna — adapted a number of famous Indian delicacies to make them more recognizable for their guests and even included more familiar items such as chocolate-chip cookies and apple pie. But neither Mr. Trump nor the First Lady touched anything from the special high tea menu.

The article goes on to say that many people were outraged that they didn't eat what was served while others were outraged at the selections offered to them. The menu can be read at that link and there's not one thing on it that I would have (or could have or should have) eaten.

Having many food allergies — and having occasionally suffered greatly when I ate something I sensed I shouldn't — I am quite militant on this point: No one should ever be pressured even socially to eat what they think is wrong for them, nor should they be criticized for their decisions. The fact that the Trumps may not have any food allergies does not change that. It's your body and you need to be the sole arbiter of what goes into it. "I don't think I'd like it" is a perfectly valid reason.

In Trump's position, I would have refrained. I might even have been a little ticked-off at my staff people for not anticipating this problem and preparing for it. There are vegetables I can eat and someone could have arranged something. But Trump did the right thing…for once.