Have you been reading all the scandalous charges against super-rich-person Jeffrey Epstein? Yeah, me neither. But I just read a few, the best of which was this explainer-type piece by Jane Coaston and Anna North. Leaving "innocent until proven totally guilty" aside, it's a pretty sordid story of, allegedly, a wealthy man raping underage girls and his wealth and connections shielding him from proper prosecution and punishment.
In ordinary times, this would be a Page One story in and of itself but we no longer live in ordinary times. Seems to me most people who've taken interest in it were most excited by the fact that Mr. Epstein caroused with the likes of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. If you're a fan of one of those two men, you probably hate the other and are hoping the connection will tarnish the guy you hate.
In very few of the articles I've seen is there much concern for the many young victims…and only slightly more for the concept that a man could do such misdeeds and, because he's fabulously-loaded, get off with a slap on the wrist. (Least Surprising Thing: A lot of Epstein's lawyering has been handled by Alan Dershowitz.) One reader of this site who sent me a link to a story about Epstein wrote on the subject line, "Will this be the scandal that brings down Trump?" That should not be the greatest concern.
But when you have the time, read the article to which I linked to above. We may all need to get up to speed on this one.