
If you have a blog and want to get a ton o' e-mail, just post a message about having problems with your shoulder. I thank all of you who wrote in — mostly to suggest I google "frozen shoulder" — but there sure were a lot of you. I will guardedly investigate some of what you all said — "guardedly" because it has been my experience that the 'net is full of the worst kind of quackery so none of it can be taken at face value. I do have good doctors though and I'll run a few of your long-range diagnoses past them.

Our friend Mike Kazaleh says that what's missing from the 33-minute print of The Nut House are some animated gag sequences. I suspect also missing is an actual introduction of the cast along with an up-front credit for Jay Ward and Bill Scott.

I've also received quite a few suggestions of New York Delicatessens that are worthy of being identified as New York Delicatessens. Quite a few of you touted the new Times Square location of The Pastrami Queen. I may give it a try next time I'm back there even though its menu contains what it for me the single scariest sentence in the English language: "All sandwiches served with cole slaw."