79 Days To Go

That's right: It's like 79 days until the start of the 2019 Comic-Con International in San Diego — way too late for me to use my annual joke about how if you want to get a parking space, leave now. This will be the 50th one of these and I keep hearing people say, "Wow, it's gonna be mobbed." Well, it's always mobbed. It's been quite some time since every day of the con didn't sell out and, y'know, once a building is at capacity, it can't get any fuller. As far as I know, they'll be letting in the same number of people as they did last year and the year before and the year before…

Speaking of parking, you might want to tend to that now. Read this page on the con website and read this page over at the San Diego-Comic Con Unofficial Blog, a fan site that is very informative.

I keep getting questions about housing and where to get a hotel room. Here is my answer: I don't know. I have nothing to do with that and don't know how it works. Ask someone who does know how that works. That person is not me, nor am I that person.

However, I did hear from someone who manages a few small AirBNB units in the Golden Hill neighborhood. That's just west of downtown and the convention site. They haven't opened their calendar yet for July but they thought some congoer might be interested in this room at $175 a night, this room at $185 a night, this room at $235 a night or this room at $275 a night.

Proceed further at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for passing on these links. Matter of fact, I accept no responsibility for anything. I may not even admit this is my blog.

Lastly: The convention is announcing an awful lot of Special Guests. Some folks complain that the con only cares about Big Movie Stars and Big TV Stars. Please note that the Special Guests they invite as the anchor of much of their programming are anything but. They're all people involved in comics or certain related arts like animation of the writing of fantasy. Why, I wouldn't be surprised to see my name turn up on that list before long.