Monday Evening

Tom Snyder is a broadcaster I have always liked and admired, ever since he was a local newsguy in Los Angeles.  (He was the last anchorman in a major market to work solo; that is, without another person at the desk beside him, alternating stories.)  I wish he had a show but at least he has a website.  And here's a direct link to some thoughts he published about his friend, Robert Blake.  (Thanks to "Tomalhe" for the pointer.)

VIRUS ALERT!  There are many out there, as you know.  What you may not know is that some "spoof" the address of the sender.  Example: Larry, Moe and Curly all know each other.  Larry, being a stooge, gets a virus on his computer.  The virus goes into his computer's address book and gets the e-mail addresses for Moe and Curly.  It then sends Moe a contaminated message that appears to be from Curly.  So be wary of mail, even from friends.  And don't presume that a virus-laden message is really from the person in the "From" line.