Wednesday Morning

Trump's about to give a press conference where I expect he'll keep saying, "We won, we won, we won!" That's part of his personality. Heck, it's part of his success. He convinces people, "Stick with me because I always win." This morning, I'm even happier than I was when I went to bed last night. I'm reading pieces like this one and this one by Kevin Drum, who is a sane, non-spin Liberal who I think has the right take on what just happened. It was an "about as good as could be realistically expected" night for Democrats.

And things could still get better for them with recounts and late results. Any election where Dana Rohrabacher loses is a good election. He'll be free to go work full-time for V. Putin.

What I'm waiting for now is for Nancy Pelosi to announce, "Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president" and for Mitch McConnell to say what a sleazy, unAmerican thing that is to say.