A YouTube series I sometimes enjoy watching is Hellthy Junk Food, which stars the married couple of J.P. Lambiase and Julia Goolia. They were not married when they started doing this and their website still refers to Julia as J.P.'s girl friend. In each episode, they do one of two things…
They try to make something bizarre in their home kitchen…like a giant devilled egg or a KitKat bar the size of a Mazda. Or they go to some fast food joint, order everything off the menu and critique each item. In the first category, they're very big on putting one kind of food inside another — like a hamburger inside a giant French Fry inside a pizza inside another hamburger. Or something like that. A lot of what they deal in is what some would call "junk food" and none of it seems particularly healthy or even hellthy but I guess it's a success if they can knock 20 calories off something that has 2000+ of them.
So, uh, what's the point of making a Skittle the size of Hervé Villechaize? Just to see if they can do it and to entertain those of us who watch. I find them funny and if I ran the Food Network, they'd be on in prime time.
Today is apparently National M&Ms Day, at least around the M&Ms factory. In recognition of this, they decided to see if they could make the world's largest M&M. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than you might imagine…