Recommended Reading

By now, you know the drill: Barack Obama does X. G.O.P. leaders (John McCain, especially) rush to the microphones to condemn him for doing X, to argue that it is shameless and immoral to do X, that the mere fact this man has done X is reason enough to kick him out of the Oval Office…

…and then with very little research necessary, reporters find plenty of examples of George W. Bush and other prominent Republicans (often, the sainted Reagan, himself) not only doing X but often doing 2X or 3X.

Latest example: Bragging about taking out Osama and suggesting that Romney wouldn't have had the guts to make that call.

Obama should announce he's picking Sarah Palin as his Vice-President this time around. She would of course doom his campaign but it might be fun to see McCain rush out and talk about how any man who'd do such a thing is unfit to serve.