Inn Suspense

Okay, so this year's WonderCon is history and it's time to turn our attention to this year's Comic-Con International which takes place July 19-22 with a Preview Night on 7/18.  So we are now 109 days away.

If you're going and you need a hotel room, it's time to do something about it.  The "Early Bird" hotel sale for rooms in the Mission Valley and Airport area has been open for some time.  If one of those locations suits you, go there a.s.a.p. and try to book something because the list of what's available is thinning and the whole Early Bird sale will be shut down this coming Tuesday, April 3rd.

This coming Wednesday, April 4, the General Sale commences.  Read this to learn how it works.  There will be more people battling for rooms than there are rooms so you need to study up on the procedure to have a shot at getting one.  Happy Hotel Hunting…and no, if you don't get one, I can't help you.