This Thursday evening, 1/4/18, Jay Leno's Garage on CNBC has its season premiere with an episode about dangerous things people do in cars. In it, Mr. Leno attempts perhaps the most daring feat of all: He attempts to teach Gilbert Gottfried how to drive…in a Ferrari!
The listings are screwed-up on my TiVo but if you want to record this, I think the episode you want is entitled "In Harm's Way."
Speaking of Gilbert: I continue to enjoy listening online to installments of Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast. If you love the kind of show biz trivia into which this blog often descends, you'll enjoy the conversations that Gilbert and his co-host Frank Santopadre have with folks like (recently) Mario Cantone, Art Metrano and Bill Saluga. Coming up some time in January: Me. That's about as scary as teaching Gilbert how to drive…in a Ferrari!