Today's Political Musing

Just read this

The latest Post-ABC poll shows that Robert S. Mueller III, for now, enjoys overwhelming support for his investigation. He also gets high marks for the indictments of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and adviser Rick Gates. And in even worse news for President Trump, nearly half (49 percent) of Americans surveyed think he committed a crime. Mueller receives 58 percent approval and only 28 percent disapproval from Americans. Even among Republicans, nearly 4 in 10 (38 percent approve). A plurality of white men without a college degree (44 percent to 35 percent), a key Trump demographic, approve of Mueller's performance.

Is this really a poll of how many people think Robert Mueller is doing a good job? I know that's the question they asked in some form — but isn't it really a poll of how many people want to see Trump nailed to the wall and they don't care who does it or how it's done?