Today's Video Link

This is kind of…odd. In 1961, a gent named Paul J. Smith directed a Woody Woodpecker cartoon called The Bird Who Came to Dinner. It was typical of the Woody cartoons of the day, which were far from exciting and low on budgets. Here's a video of it and you may have to watch a ten-second commercial to get to it…


Not long ago for God-knows-what-reason, Brazilian animator Ivanildo Soares decided this cartoon should be remade. The soundtrack remained exactly the same but he handed its scenes out to a bevy of South American animators They were encouraged to do their scenes — each no more than a few seconds long — in a different art and animation style and to feel free to redesign the characters at will. I don't think any of the artists saw what the others were doing.

Some of them seem to have responded to the neatness of the original by trying to make their moments as ugly as possible. Others tried to exaggerate moments to create a joke where there wasn't one before. All of it is interesting though I don't think I could sit through a six-minute cartoon done in some of these styles…