Lost Weekend

I shall be away on a Secret Mission through late Sunday…and no, I can't tell you what it is. It wouldn't be much of a Secret Mission if I could now, would it? I can tell you that it does not involve medicine, government, the banning of candy corn or Donald Trump — which come to think of it, are the same color — or a certain well-known lasagna-eating feline. Do not contact me to guess what it does involve for I will have to tell you I can't tell you. I can't even tell you why I can't tell you, nor can I tell you why I can't tell you why I can't tell you.

But I'll not neglect my few-but-fervent followers. If I've configured things properly (unlikely but not impossible), this blog has been programmed such that New Content will appear every six hours until I return to you. It won't be all that exciting and it won't be timely but it'll be here. I'm telling you this so that if something monumental happens during my Secret Mission, you'll understand why I might not be commenting on it until said mission is successfully completed and I have returned. That is, if I return…