Friday Evening

I will be a guest at the Baltimore Comic Convention, which happens September 22-24 at the Baltimore Convention Center in, of all places, Baltimore. This will be the first time I've been to a convention on the east coast since 2008. I'm not sure what I'm doing there yet but a panel or two about Jack Kirby seems likely.

There was no Trump Dump today and I'm going to see if I can hold off all weekend. I find myself trapped between my duty as a citizen to remain informed and my increasing desire, every time I read what that administration is doing, to block all internet sites except mine and the ones that just display baby panda videos.

Wasn't Richard Turner great on Penn & Teller: Fool Us last night? It reruns many times this week so try and catch it if you haven't yet. He was the first act.

Hey, does anyone in or around the Los Angeles area want a few crates of old Penthouse magazines? They sent me the thing to me for free for like a decade and a half and I need to clear them out of my storage space.

Lastly for now: I continue to get ready for Comic-Con in the hope that Comic-Con is getting ready for me. I urge you if you are attending to take the time to visit the convention website and do a little prep work. Jot down the program items you want to see. Figure out where you're going to eat and where, apart from the main hall, you're going to wander. Make note of the booth numbers of exhibitors you want to visit and get a sense of which portions of the hall are mostly likely to have the exhibitors who interest you. If you care mainly about old comics, you shouldn't be wandering around amidst the videogame companies looking for antique funnybooks. A lot of the complaints I hear about Comic-Con flow, it seems to me, by not knowing where to find what you want. You should especially download the Quick Guide. The convention you want to attend is probably in that building someplace. You just have to do a little planning to find it.