Falling/Gaining Favor

Kevin Drum notes that Donald Trump's approval rating is not too impressive. 54.3% of the country disapproves whereas 41.2% approves. That's not a record low but it may be a record low for a president who's been in office less than four months. And this is before the outrage du jour of disclosing classified info to his Russian comrades.

This is not specific to Trump but I always assume that the disapproval number of an elected official is a lot more solid than his or her approval rating. The approval rating includes a lot of people who voted for the guy or gal, approved of his/her agenda — or at least what they thought that agenda was — but are deeply unhappy with the non-delivery of that agenda. Whenever a news story suggests that Trump is lying or flip-flopping or that he just doesn't understand things we hope our presidents understand, his supporters have to be wincing in political pain. He doesn't seem to be able to get that wall started or get all those aliens who scare you deported. He's spending time and government money playing golf and defending what he said 48 hours ago.

Or another way to put it is that the disapproval rating represents people who've given up on the official and the approval rating represents people who have either great optimism or stubbornness…and haven't. It's usually possible for that elected official to reverse a downward trend but Trump is so polarizing — and so determined to defend absolutely everything he says or does as correct — that I doubt he can do it.

Drum also notes in this post that Gay Marriage, which was supposed to destroy the moral fiber of our nation and bring God's wrath down on us by now, continues to gain favor among Americans. Even Republican support for it has moved from 28% to 47%. Any day now, it'll be over the 50% mark with Republicans…unless of course it destroys the moral fiber of our nation and brings God's wrath down on us. Seems like it's safe.