Today's Four Bad Things From Your Trump Administration

We took yesterday off from this, not that there weren't plenty of items that could be posted here…

  1. As Eric Levitz points out, Trump seems to be doing a great job of alienating foreign leaders — and for no good reason.
  2. The more I see of Mike Pence, the more I think impeaching Trump is a bad idea. As William Saletan notes, Pence has become really committed to spinning the phony facts and worldview of this administration.
  3. As Kevin Drum notes, the Trump administration is trying real hard to sell the idea that there are terrorist attacks all around us, many unreported by the press for its own, ulterior motives. They seem to think they can scare Americans into letting Trump do any damned thing he wants as our only chance at survival.
  4. And if there is another terrorist attack, Trump is already blaming it wholly on those who won't let him pass unconstitutional laws.

And lastly, a bit of good news: The notion that the most important thing in the world was to immediately destroy Obamacare has subsided. It's become pretty obvious, even to Republicans, that they have nothing to replace it with that's better and won't make a large segment of America worse-off and furious. Jonathan Chait has more.

And it may qualify as good news to some: Not long ago, covering Donald Trump speeches was really good for the ratings of TV news shows. Now, it's not so good but you know whose ratings are way up? Saturday Night Live, Late Night with Seth Meyers and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Last week, Colbert beat Jimmy Fallon in total viewers and Trump-bashing seems to be the reason. That means we'll be seeing a lot more of it…on those shows and others. Alec Baldwin hosts SNL this coming Saturday.