Today's Video Link

I kinda like watching Alton Brown's cooking demonstrations for two reasons. One is that there's a lot of science in most of them and I do like understanding whatever I can understand in that area. The second is that he makes preparing every food dish so complicated and steeped in Chemistry and Physics that he convinces me I am way too uneducated to make even a tuna salad sandwich. Thus, I feel no guilt when I call my favorite Chinese restaurant and tell them to send over an order of Sesame Chicken.

In this video, he makes homemade ice cream in the most complicated, time-consuming, expensive (and possibly dangerous) manner. Back before I gave up ice cream and other desserts, I had a little machine I bought at Costco for thirty bucks that made wonderful ice cream in about twenty minutes — including set-up and clean-up — on my kitchen counter with no possibility of explosions or frostbite, plus I didn't have to build anything or put on protective gear. Maybe his ice cream is better but I doubt it's that much better…