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I'm sure you're all up on the way Donald Trump tried to wrap up the "birther" controversy by declaring that Barack Obama was actually born in the United States. That fact was long obvious to everyone but some people who saw a black man in the White House, thought "he's not one of us" and wanted to believe that he wasn't legitimately the President. I suspect it was even obvious to Trump and a long line of people who saw the opportunity to get cash and/or support from those who wanted to believe it.

Trump's promises that his investigators in Hawaii were digging up stuff "you would not believe" and indicative of his modus operandi: Promise them whatever they want and then worry later about what, if anything, you're going to deliver. I don't know why anyone thinks this man will do anything he says he's going to do…with the probable exception of those promises that would enrich the bank account and power of Donald J. Trump.

Two late night comedians had a lot of fun with all this and it's interesting to compare their approaches and note a few similarities. I thought Seth Meyers was a little sharper than Stephen Colbert but here — you decide which of them made the most of the situation…