Recommended Reading

Jonathan Chait summarizes the new Paul Ryan tax proposal, thusly: "Paul Ryan Tired of Giving Rich People Most of the Tax Cuts, Decides to Give Them All of the Tax Cuts."

If you think that's a misrepresentation, read the analysis of the plan by the non-partisan Tax Foundation. They say the rich pay less and less in taxes under it and the deficit swells to an epic size. Does anyone think that a President Trump would hesitate one second before signing such a thing?

Obviously, I don't want to see Trump win. But I think it would be a little less painful if he won because most Americans understood what he and his kind want to do to this country and wanted that, rather than that they've been convinced that Hillary wants to admit more terrorists into this country.

(And sorry about all this political stuff today. I'm trying to pay less attention to this kind of thing, folks. Honestly, I am.)