David Cook sent me this question…
Mark, I appreciate everything you post and yesterday's on Chase Craig was really interesting.
I have a question about a certain kind of editor/publisher: Ever have the kind of editor or publisher who'll contact you, sound very interested and excited and invite you to send something (and these usually pay okay), then when they receive it they yell, "This is a piece of trash! Garbage! I hate your style! But I've got a deadline so I'm going to use it anyway"?
And then they do indeed publish it. But it doesn't seem like they really did any editing or anything professional other than receive it, pay and publish — and vent some insulting stuff.
What is going on with that kind of editor/publisher?
I don't think I've ever encountered anyone like that so I'll just take an educated guess and suggest that what's going on with that person is that he or she is an asshole. Thank you for your question, David.