Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

Donald Trump has been claiming that there are folks out there — conveniently unidentified in his telling — who revere the man in Dallas who killed those police officer and asked someone someplace to observe a moment of silence for him. No one knows where this occurred, not even Trump's campaign co-chair could say where it happened.

But as Josh Marshall points out, this is just an attempt to get white people (mostly likely the dumber white people) out to support the Trump campaign…because that's really all he's got going for him. It's stoking the fires of white resentment of minorities and it is, of course, based on a lie.

Like the mythical multitudes in New Jersey who he claimed cheered the towers falling on 9/11, no one will ever prove it occurred. But many a Trump follower will (a) believe it and (b) not think Trump is any sort of liar. We may be in for a lot of this between now and November.