Sarah's Back!

Sarah Palin came out yesterday and endorsed Donald Trump for president. A few websites are claiming to have info that he has already selected her as his running mate — and I'm sure that's true because we all saw how well it worked when John McCain tried it. (You remember McCain — the soldier who got captured so he shouldn't be considered a war hero. He was asked how he felt about Palin's endorsement and he said she's entitled to take any action she wants to and "we remain good and close friends." Yes, he's that mad about it.)

When I see Palin on the news, I'm sorry. I don't find her funny. I don't even enjoy the way she takes political positions that I oppose and makes them sound like inane, drunken rants. I think the fact that anyone listens to this woman is about the saddest indicator of low I.Q. in this country.