Hello. I'm still dealing with knee issues and other matters in my life that are running behind due to knee issues. That's why I'm not posting as much as I sometimes do…a situation which may persist here for the next few weeks.
I have a favor to ask of my frequent correspondents. I try to answer any thoughtful or sincere e-mail I receive. Invariably, I don't get to all of them but until the worst of this knee thing is behind me, I'm going to get to almost none of 'em. Please don't write me long messages about writing or comics or Jack Kirby or politics or Syrian Refugees or the election or Stephen Colbert or anything where you expect a reply. I haven't the time to respond and I feel bad when those pile up. Even if you don't expect an equally-long reply, I'd rather not have that huge "To Be Answered" folder in my e-mail program because I know most of those probably won't be. (Some of you, I think, should start your own blogs and share those writings with everyone instead of just me.)
I have a couple of partially-written pieces I'll be posting here whenever I get the time to finish them. Right now, it's closing in on 2 PM and I still haven't gotten to my morning vitamins or exercises. So I'm going to post here and then tend to those matters. Back later…maybe.