Tuesday Morning Politics

This is for those of you who are worried that Donald Trump could be our next president. Nate Silver once again explains why that ain't gonna happen. For one thing, it's a long time 'til the election and for another, lots of people have been this far ahead at this stage of the game and have not come close to winning their party's nomination.

I have friends who understand all this but have some inexplicable fear that maybe the election is tomorrow and we don't know it…or something. It may be a while before Trump crashes — people are enjoying the show right now — but crash he will. I think he'll look especially vulnerable when we get to some actual voting, he finishes in fourth place in some primary and his opponents can start throwing his own "loser" insult back at him. That's when I think he'll squirm away…and feel like he got what he wanted because of how much he's expanded his name recognition.

In other election news: Kevin Drum is trying to figure out what the hell Scott Walker was talking about in the debate when he explained why he can oppose abortion even when it's deemed necessary to save the life of the mother…

I've said many a time that that unborn child can be protected, and there are many other alternatives that can also protect the life of that mother. That's been consistently proven.

Well, no, it hasn't. I think this is one of those times when a candidate adopts a position, the science indicates the position is impractical and not as simple and clear-cut as the candidate makes it out to be…and the candidate deals with that by making up his own science.

It's like when Dan Quayle said that a woman who gets pregnant via rape doesn't have to have an abortion to terminate that pregnancy. She can have doctors do Dilatation and Curettage…which is, of course, a form of abortion. But some voters just want their candidates to have an answer and it doesn't necessarily have to be the right one.