Tonight, Tonight…

Gonna watch the Tony Awards tonight. Since I haven't been to New York in many years, I watch these less to root for anything than to just see what's playing back there and what I'll go see if and when I get back. The years Neil Patrick Harris hosted, I also watched for his exquisite showmanship. He's not hosting this evening but is supposed to be making an appearance on the telecast.

Usually, there's not a whole lotta suspense about who's going to win but as this article notes, tonight there's some genuine suspense in some of the major categories. I guess I'm kinda rooting for Kelli O'Hara to win Best Actress in a Musical for revival of The King and I. I didn't see it but I've seen her in a lot of things and she's always been deserving. If when I do go back, it's still running and she's still in it, she could even make me go see The King and I, a show I never particularly liked.

But then I'd also like to see Kristen Chenoweth in On the Twentieth Century, a show I do like. I really need to get back to New York. Just as soon as the Carnegie Deli reopens because while it's closed, what's the point?