Sunday Morning

Despite my many tweets on the topic, I didn't watch a second of the big fight last night. To the extent I cared who won, it was to kinda wish the guy with the history of battering women had gone down to defeat…not that the second-place purse would have been much of a punishment.

We had a 3.9 earthquake not far from me last night. It woke me up but I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not so I went back to sleep.

People keep writing to ask me what I think of the whole thing with Bruce Jenner. I don't think I care much about the whole thing with Bruce Jenner, at least enough to cope with the Pronoun Troubles I would encounter in writing about the matter. Rational adults have the right to decide what's best for themselves in cases like this. He (or she) can transition to anything he (or she) wants to be as far as I'm concerned and I wish he (or she) didn't feel they have to convince the public to accept it.

More stuff here later today.