High (Court) Stakes

William Saletan points out a basic contradiction in the argument against Gay Marriage. Its opponents are down to arguing that gay couples should not be allowed to wed because they cannot possibly procreate…but neither can straight couples when the woman is over 60 or either is simply infertile. And others might ask if marriage is really about nothing more than procreation and why straight couples would not procreate just because the two gay women down the street get to marry.

If you read certain of the reports on today's arguments before the Supreme Court, you could come away with the sense that the S.C.O.T.U.S. will not rule that there is a constitutional right for folks of the same gender to wed each other. If you read other reports, you'll sense that the Court will rule that way. I think we're all kidding ourselves if we think we really know. The folks on the Supreme Court may not even know at this point…and if they don't, we sure don't.