I have much to do today so, sudden obits aside, this should be all I'll post today…and really, what other blog done wholly by one individual shows any sense of guilt for going an entire day with but one post?
A quick report on my shoulder problems: Getting better in teensy increments.
Bill Maher had Judith Miller on last night and was, as he so often is, briefly confrontational with a guest. Ms. Miller reported a lot of untrue things in the New York Times that helped grease our way into the Iraq War on a lot of false premises. Her version of the whole thing roughly boils down to "Okay, so I was wrong but you can't blame me because everyone else was, too." Maher was ill-equipped to rebut her assertions so he let her get away with a lot of whitewashing.
The other day, I tweeted a joke about how few parking spaces they have at Trader Joe's markets. Many people wrote to agree with me that this dissuades them from going to Trader Joe's. Two or three people wrote that they never have any trouble finding a parking space at their Trader Joe's in New Mexico or Arizona. That's my mistake. I keep trying to go to Trader Joe's in the state where I live.
Very early Tuesday morning, Turner Classic Movies is running Callaway Went Thataway, a rather undistinguished Fred MacMurray comedy from 1951 written and directed by Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. I am not suggesting you watch it but if you do, you'll see a rather young Stan Freberg, his later co-star Jesse White and cameos by Clark Gable, Elizabeth Taylor and Esther Williams.
The Turner Classic Movies website is now offering a lot of great movies (though not that one) you can watch "on demand" and online, providing you subscribe to almost any cable provider that carries TCM. The exception seems to be my provider, Time-Warner Cable, a subsidiary of the same company that owns Turner Classic Movies. This, I do not understand at all.
[UPDATE, a bit later: Several e-mails have informed me that Time-Warner (the mega-corporation) no longer owns the cable company that bears its name. I hadn't heard that and am surprised. I thought they owned everything except Disney. Silly me.]