Recommended Reading

On the political front, I have come to enjoy my daily visit to, a site operated by Mickey Kaus. His longer pieces usually run over on Slate but, almost every day, he updates his "Hit Parade" column with links to articles currently available on-line, along with his comments on those articles. I don't agree with him on everything…maybe not even on most things. But even when I disagree, I respect his logic, his ability to get to the core of an issue, and his willingness to criticize folks all across the political spectrum. In these days when pundits insist that everyone on their side is without flaws and everyone on the other side is without brains or morals, it's nice to follow a guy who can fire in all directions. Read him for a week or two and see if he doesn't cause you to reassess at least one thing you believe. (He's changed my mind about the McCain-Feingold bill, though not necessarily to his precise position…)

I do, however, recommend clicking here and reading Michael Kinsley's article on the McCain-Feingold campaign reform movement.