Recommended Reading

You can read lots of articles on the "scandal" that proves Hillary Clinton's criminality and that will surely bring her down. You might want to read Gene Lyons reminding us that her political opponents and the press are always selling some revelation this way.

I'm not a big fan of Hillary. Whatever enthusiasm I have for her is mostly just a reaction to the likely Republican alternative. But I do think that Whitewater was a ginned-up phony scandal, Filegate was a ginned-up phony scandal, Travelgate was a ginned-up phony scandal, etc. In politics, you see a lot of this: I accuse you of some heinous crime. Investigation shows that there is no crime, no foul, nothing. So rather than admit I was wrong, I accuse you of creating the impression of impropriety…a charge which, of course, can only be made when there is no actual impropriety. In other words, you're guilty of making me think you'd committed a crime.