Oscar Predictions

I mentioned the other day here that there was a chance of a little light rain on the Academy Awards Sunday night. Well, that storm system seems to be speeding up so the threat of showers should be over by Noon, leaving cloudy to partly cloudy skies for Oscar Night. And even if it does rain, we're looking at under a tenth of an inch.

Say, I have no inside info but I'll predict that Neil Patrick Harris will do something in the spirit of Boyhood where someone will play him at a younger age and then at an older age to suggest he's aging throughout the evening. Or maybe they can find a Doogie Howser clip to cover the "younger" part.

I have no predictions about the awards themselves apart from my usual rule which is that if Meryl Streep is nominated, she'll win in that category and maybe one or two in which she wasn't nominated. Also, no important awards will be won by black people or presented by anyone over the age of 70 except for Streep and Shirley MacLaine.

If I were running things, they'd have Best Picture presented by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner (just try and tell me the audience wouldn't love that), Idina Menzel would be there to introduce John Travolta as Jim Traviata, and a delivery boy would show up a year late with a pizza for Ellen DeGeneres. Oh — and they wouldn't let Kanye West into the first row or, for that matter, the building.