I'm No Fool

Several folks have written about my statement that Eddie Carroll at the time of his death was the longest-running voice of any Disney character. Most of you understood that I wasn't claiming he'd done a certain character's voice longer than anyone else. I think Clarence Nash had that honor, having voiced Donald Duck from 1934 until '84 or '85. But at the time of Eddie's death, there was no one else around who'd been doing the voice of a Disney character for a longer period. Eddie spoke for Jiminy Cricket from 1973 until this year.

I'm not certain who has the record now…probably Alan Young, who began doing the voice of Scrooge McDuck in 1983. Tony Anselmo began quacking for Donald in 1985. Bill Farmer took over Goofy in 1986, the same year Russi Taylor became Minnie Mouse. I get the feeling I'm forgetting someone…