Recommended Reading

Megan Garber tells why she was disappointed with the final episode of The Colbert Report. Actually, his whole last week felt to me like he and his writers had already cleaned out their offices. They always had such a high capacity to amaze us before that.

Something I've been thinking about with that big crowd scene at the end that looked like someone just hired Sergio to draw celebrities: There were a lot of people in that mob who hate each other. Dan Savage and Mike Huckabee. Matt Taibbi and Henry Kissinger. Keith Olbermann and everyone except Barry Manilow and (maybe) Cookie Monster. I wonder if in a subtle way, Colbert and his crew had that in mind; that the unspoken subtext of the whole thing was, "Look, people may have differences to the point of accusing one another of being evil and causing the deaths of thousands…but give them a chance to appear on a much-watched TV show and they'll put them all aside and sing like the Whos in How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

If that's what Colbert was thinking, maybe I like his last show a little more.