I would like to agree with my pal Kevin Drum. I think the American public is way too in love with the idea of being at war. I don't think in all or even most cases, it's a matter of loving the idea of American soldiers killing people. I think most of it's out of fear…this frenzied belief that "They" (whoever "They" are at the moment) are out to get us and we can only survive by getting Them first.
There may be times when that's true. What came to really bother me about Vietnam — and turned me from a supporter of that war into an opponent — was the kind of blind (I thought) mania that took strategy and smart planning largely out of the equation. Going to war was the answer, not going to war wisely. For the rest of my life, I will wonder that every time the U.S. sends troops or drones or weapons somewhere. I wish more people did.