Today on Stu's Show!

And today (Wednesday), Stu's guest is Fredd Wayne, who has had one of the longest, most impressive careers of any actor working today. Large chunks of it have been spent in the guise of Benjamin Franklin, and that's who Mr. Wayne was playing when I first became aware of him. He seemed to be popping up everywhere as Franklin, including a memorable episode of Bewitched (see above). Once I learned his name, I spotted it at one time or another in the credits of darn near every TV show I watched, including The Twilight Zone. Stu can fill the show today by just naming the shows Fredd Wayne guested on and I look forward to hearing him talk about some of them. He can't possibly get through them all.

Stu's Show can be heard live (almost) every Wednesday at the Stu's Show website and you can listen for free there. Webcasts start at 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Eastern and other times in other climes. They run a minimum of two hours and sometimes go into major overtime.  Shortly after a show ends, it's available for downloading from the Archives on that site. Downloads are a bargain at 99 cents each and you can get four for the price of three.

By the way: Last week, I was swamped with work and I just plain forgot to post the plug for that week's Stu's Show. His guest was Murray Langston, AKA "The Unknown Comic." Murray is one of the funniest men in his profession and his appearance on Stu's program just confirmed it. It's in the archives if you'd like to order it and laugh a lot.