Steve Rossi, R.I.P.

Marty Allen and Steve Rossi.
Marty Allen and Steve Rossi.

Steve Rossi, who served as straight man to Marty Allen (and several other comedians) has died at the age of 82 following a long bout with cancer. In his day, he worked with everyone, including Mae West who gave him his first break and who changed his name to Steve Rossi.

I saw Allen and Rossi in one of their very last Vegas engagements. I also sat through a show that Rossi mounted a few years later with himself as headliner and a lot of…uh…unusual acts. I will tell you about them but not now. I'm still on the deadline. I'm also bothered that when I announce I'm too busy to post much, people die and I have to pop back here to post obits. Maybe there's a connection. Anyway, watch for a post about Mr. Rossi later this week.