Taming the Mail Animal

A lot of folks have written to ask me what's up with my Time-Warner e-mail problems, the ones I wrote about back here. Here's a quick summary of what's not working right…

Any e-mail that anyone sends to me @ one of my domains goes to a server on my domain which instantly forwards it on to a GMail account I have and to my Time-Warner e-mail account. I've already been using a great program called MailWasherPRO to go online and give me a preview of my e-mail before I download it so I can mark and delete Spam or obviously infected messages. I have it now set to go online and simultaneously download the headers and a sample of each message in both the GMail mailbox and the Time-Warner mailbox.

If both were working perfectly, I would be getting two copies of every message. That's apart from the fact that the list of messages GMail thinks are Spam and moves to my Spam folder there varies slightly from the list of messages Time-Warner thinks are Spam and relocates in my Spam folder over there. But just looking at the messages I want to download, those should be the same.

They aren't. Sometimes, my mailboxes on Time-Warner and GMail receive the same messages within moments of each other. Sometimes, the Time-Warner version doesn't show up until hours later. And sometimes, the Time-Warner version doesn't show up at all. (And yes, I've checked. That's not because it goes into the Spam folder and I do not have any filter turned on that is causing this.)

In the week I've been monitoring this, I have yet to see the opposite happen. GMail is getting everything Time-Warner gets but Time-Warner is not getting everything GMail gets. And when they do both receive the same message, GMail gets it at the same time or before — often way before.

Allegedly, Time-Warner Tech Support is looking into this but I've decided that even if they say it's fixed or it seems to be fixed, I ain't taking any chances. I'm going to keep getting my messages from both sources. It's a simple matter to use MailWasher to delete the dupes and then download one of each into my e-mail program, which is Mozilla Thunderbird. Thunderbird has an add-on that will scan for duplicates in case I miss any.

And that's the latest. I'll let you know if anything changes but I'd be very surprised if anything changes.