Grazing in the Grass is a Gas (Baby, can you dig it?)

I don't have much more to say about the Cliven Bundy matter. It was pretty obvious that Sean Hannity would have to distance himself from the man…and he has.

What's amazing to me is that so many who rallied to this man's cause didn't see that they were, quite simply, on the wrong side of almost everything for which they, themselves, stood. Even before Bundy began cluelessly peddling his racist views, it was obvious that the guy was no hero; that he was — and I quote — "…a rancher gaming the system to his own financial advantage, and disguising his scheme in populist rhetoric."

Who said that? Not some Pointy-Headed Liberal. That was the Weekly Standard, arguably the most important Conservative voice on the web. Even before Bundy began rabbiting on about "The Negro" and how black people were better off being owned, the Standard warned against treating him as anything more than a guy trying to avoid paying fees that everyone else has to pay. Good for them. Lesser/stupider minds seemed to believe that because The Left was against this guy, The Right had to treat him like Gandhi.