And that's it for this year's WonderCon, where I had a WonderFul time doing panels, seeing old friends, meeting readers of this here blog and generally enjoying myself for three days. Rumors said the con hit record attendance but except for a few peak hours on Saturday, it didn't feel overpopulated to me. Then again, I'm large enough that I can usually get where I want to go without too many people getting in my way.
I hosted six panels, appeared on two others, made a live appearance on Mo Kelly's live-from-WonderCon KFI radio program, dined with friends, signed a lot of copies of Groo and Rocky & Bullwinkle and occasionally got a lick of sleep.
It seemed like there were more costumed folks than ever before and a higher percentage than usual had painted all their flesh some bizarre color.
Favorite part of the con? I was a panelist who didn't say much on IDW's panel highlighting their kids' comics like My Little Pony and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There were adults there who love those comics but we also had a high density of kids…and their love of those comics and those characters was great to see. It reminded me of someone I used to know. I believe it was me.
Least favorite part of the con? That's the part coming up known as The Drive Home. I may delay it 'til late tonight…though come to think of it, how crowded could the freeway be as Disneyland lets out for Easter Weekend? I'm thinking of finishing a script that's due and maybe sleeping for a few days before I attempt it.