Some of you have noticed and pointed out to me that this site has slipped out of the purview of Google and can no longer be found there. There is a reason for this.
Shortly before Thanksgiving, someone hacked into my file server and secretly implanted another website within my own. This is known as "cloaking." Deep within the bowels of my software, there was a hidden directory full of software that ran a site selling pills to aid men in achieving erections. It was linked somehow to a server in India which, in turn, could have been linked to a server anywhere else in the time-space continuum. Anyway, I cleaned it all out…or thought I had. It turned out I missed a piece or three of it which I just now expunged.
In the meantime, the Googlebot Spiders — and wouldn't that be a peachy name for a minor league baseball team? — had come across the boner pill ads and they took my sites out of their indices. I am now trying to get them to put me back. We'll see how long this takes. Until I am reaccepted, this site will not be found in its usual Google results.
As it happens, I had already decided to do a revamp on this blog around or about the first of the year. I will be changing to another software and doing a whole redesign in the process. All the old messages will still be available though they may be offline for a few weeks…and there may be a day or two while I'm configuring the new software that we'll be closed for street repairs. Don't be surprised at what you see here for a while.