David Weigel discusses why Piers Morgan didn't click with his show on CNN. I don't disagree with what he says but I think it's simpler than that: People just didn't like the guy. Morgan wasn't funny, he wasn't charming, he wasn't interesting, he wasn't anything. At times, he tried to be abrasive but he didn't even do that well. There are abrasive intervewers who create compelling theater and there are those who are just abrasive to no good end. The few times I watched him, I couldn't even root for the man when he was on my side of an issue.
Weigel alludes to the possibility that Jay Leno might be offered that slot by linking to an article about what a terrible interviewer of politicians Jay is. I agree he's bad at it, though I don't think any of the others are much better. The format — short interviews in the context of a comedy show — isn't conducive to anyone giving a politician the kind of grilling they should all receive. Letterman looks like the best of the bunch because he occasionally gets in a solid question and calls b.s. on a glib non-answer. But Dave also never strikes me as well-versed enough in current events to do that for very long. Frankly, I think these shows should not be having political guests on at all. They all (even Dave's) seem more interested in a politician being funny than anything else.
In any case, I don't think Leno will be offered it, I don't think he'd take it…and if he did, he'd do a very different kind of show, one that would represent CNN trying to go in a different direction. I mentioned Jake Tapper for the Piers Morgan time slot but I don't expect that to happen. Tell you who I would like but he may not be well enough or available. I remember some times when Bob Costas filled in for Larry King and he was terrific. He could handle guests who were politicians, guests who were entertainers and guests who were sports stars. That's the kind of guy they need and they're not easy to find.