There's Nothing Surer…

Conservative Maggie Gallagher says that Republicans should stop using the term "job creator" because it reminds people of their bosses.

I think they should stop using it because it's kind of a fake term. What they mean is "rich person" but they don't want to say "rich person" so they say "job creator." But a lot of rich people — maybe even the overwhelming majority — don't create jobs except the way a lot of middle-class people do — hiring a gardener or a housekeeper once a week or something like that. Dana Milbank explained all about this here.

We always seem to have one of those "voodoo economics" explanations of why the poor will benefit if the rich pay little or no taxes. It used to be the "trickle down" theory but when we slashed taxes for the wealthy, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. That theory has failed so totally that they came up with the "job creator" one: If we slash taxes for the wealthy, they'll create more jobs. When this one fails a little more, it'll be replaced by another one. Hey, you know if we eliminate taxes for the wealthiest Americans, they'll all start handing out hundred dollar bills to poor people?