So was that Dick Cavett doing the voiceover on that trailer for The Producers? My pal Steve Stoliar, who knows Mr. Cavett well and has worked for him, went to the source to get the answer for us. Here's the word from the man himself…
The "character" voice part fooled even me for a moment. The rest is, I'd think, unmistakable. How very odd. Wonder what I made.
Frankly, I think that in lieu of pay, they should have given him 50% of Springtime for Hitler. But at least this is settled.
Thanks, Steve. And if the rest of you want to thank Steve — and read one of the best books on Groucho Marx there is — here's a link to order a copy of Raised Eyebrows: My Years Inside Groucho's House. In it, Steve even tells the tale of how he became friends with Dick Cavett.