More About Al Plastino

In the Al Plastino obit, I made a point of phrasing this line precisely: "Plastino was, I believe, the only person alive who drew Superman comics professionally before about 1967." There are a few people around who drew the character here and there for DC Comics. Murphy Anderson, who's happily still with us, drew Superman on covers for the Justice League of America comic book and for some merchandise. Joe Giella co-inked an issue of Justice League in which Superman appeared. Irwin Hasen drew a chapter featuring Superman in an issue of All-Star Comics. I suspect there are one or two others but they're in that category: They aren't really Superman stories…or even covers for the comics that starred Superman.

As far as I can tell, there's no one alive now who drew a story for a Superman comic book in the forties, fifties or even the sixties. Neal Adams, who's still around, drew some Superman covers beginning in 1967. Thanks to Bill Ray and others who sent in messages about this.