Recommended Reading

It turns out my favorite columnist, Fred Kaplan, has the same view I have: That Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin who murdered John F. Kennedy.

One area where I might disagree slightly with Fred is this: Everyone always asks about Oswald's motives, just why he did it if he did it. I've heard people who were otherwise convinced of his guilt actually say, "I won't believe he did it until we know why." I don't have that problem. I can believe he did it just because he was a little, ineffectual man who wanted to make his mark on the world by killing the most important man alive. I could even believe he had a less coherent reason than that. We see a lot of people in the news who take a gun or build a bomb to try and kill as many people as they can. A lot of them don't have a motive much more explainable than that they're out of their friggin' minds. I can understand not wanting to believe that the President of the United States could be murdered without a meaningful reason…but it's absolutely possible. Why did Sara Jane Moore take a shot at Gerald Ford? No significant reason other than she just wanted to kill someone important.