Today's Political Comment

CBS News is eating a large helping of freeze-dried crow at the moment over a 60 Minutes segment that recently aired. It put forth the right-wing narrative that the Obama administration screwed-up royally, perhaps even criminally on Benghazi, as testified-to by a gent who was there at the time. Only it's since come to light that the guy apparently wasn't there; that he changed his story after he saw an opportunity to snag a lucrative book deal.

All of that constitutes journalistic malpractice on the part of CBS, which is now incrementally retracting the story. And there's another level of reportial wrongdoing here. The story didn't mention that the guy's book deal was with a publisher which has corporate ties to CBS — a publisher who caters to the right-wing market with books that tell them that all the alleged conspiracies they want to believe in are true.

So basically what CBS did was pretty much the same thing we expect of Fox News, Sean Hannity and others who've noted how much money and power Rush Limbaugh has achieved by making stuff up to please that marketplace. In fact, it's exactly the same thing except for the retraction and apology parts, which are slow in coming but which are coming.

This annoys me a little. What annoys me a lot is that I have this Conservative friend — great guy when we're not talking politics — who steadfastly refuses to believe any news that isn't the way he wants it to be. The next time someone on CBS reports something that goes against his worldview, I'll have to listen to more dismissal of it as typical of the network's lying Liberal Bias. You know, like all those polls that said Romney wasn't going to beat Obama in a landslide.