Wednesday Morning

Kinda busy today finishing the script for the first issue of a new comic book series I agreed to write. I think the publisher is going to officially announce it next week at the New York Comic Con and once they do, I'll tell you about it here. This is not the secret project that I mentioned back here. That one involves a forthcoming Blu-ray/DVD release that should be divulged shortly. Some of you have already guessed what it is but I am unable at this time to confirm or deny.

I'm more fascinated than I probably oughta be about how this Shutdown Melodrama will play out…and now it seems to be merging with the pending battle over raising the Debt Limit. This whole thing stopped long ago being about what was good for the country and it's now about Winning and Losing. If I had to bet on how it will all end, I'd bet Obama will get 90% of what he wants and Republicans will feverishly try and spin their 10% as a "win." But I also think it's a lose/lose situation for everyone and that The System needs serious reform so that the folks we elect to govern can actually do some of that. I don't expect that to happen.

I like my new iPhone 5S even more this morning than I did last night. I don't know why though the Apple people don't have an easier way to export data from one iPhone and input it into another. It would seem to me that they like the idea of folks upgrading so they could make it simpler and faster. I need to find a good case for my new acquisition and I also want to buy a little stand/charger that will hold it even when it has that case on it.

On with my day. Back to you soon.