A New Member of My Family


I upgraded to one of these today…the iPhone 5S. I had a 3G and going from that to this is like trading in Fred Flintstone's car for a new Lexus.

This posting would be funnier if I had something to complain about but my visit to the Apple Store was swift and easy. I had a bit of trouble once I got home with making all my apps and settings appear on the new device but a quick call to the Apple Support Team solved the problem. So I've spent some of the evening playing with the thing — and figuring out what I can make Siri do and what I can't make her do. I have the feeling there's some perverted question I can ask her that will evoke the response, "Sorry, I'm not that kind of app."

So far, I like my new phone. I don't like the necessity of buying a new case and new chargers and new cables and such but such is the curse of technology. I'll let you know if I have any problems with it.