I can't embed it but I really enjoyed the recent episode of Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with David Letterman. In some of these, you can tell that Mr. Seinfeld doesn't find some of the utterances of his guest all that funny, either because they aren't or because we're watching Take 8 of the same dialogue. Seinfeld is great at many things but faking laughter ain't one of them. The rapport in the Letterman episode, however, seems quite real and Dave is a lot funnier with people he likes than he is with about two-thirds of the guests he has on his show.
I'm kinda fascinated by these videos because it's obvious that a lot of money has gone into them as well as an awful lot of Jerry Seinfeld's time. Most produced-for-the-web shows look like they had two cameras and a crew of four. Comedians in Cars has, if anything, too many cameras. In the driving scenes, they have small video cameras mounted all over the vehicle — on the windshield, on the dashboard, etc. — and they cut between them fiercely, plus there are cars with cameraguys following and rolling alongside whatever dazzling auto contains Jerry and his guest. Some of this is quite visible at times, especially in the Sarah Silverman episode. In places, the backgrounds change between shots in mid-anecdote and it looks like Jerry and Sarah repeated some speeches over and over and then the editor cut together multiple takes…a lot of effort to try and achieve a flow of unedited spontaneity. But I still like most of 'em and the Dave one is especially good.